1. I said to Nick : " Where are you going ? "

2. " Go home , " said teacher to us .

3. " Don't be late for dinner , " said mother to Nick .

4. The teacher said to me : " Hand this note to your parents , please . "

5. Masha said : " I usually spend my holidays in the south . "

6. He said : " I am going to a rest - home tomorrow . "

7. She said to us : " They arrived in Moscow yesterday . "

8. " When I get a job , I'll buy a warm coat , " said the boy's father .

9. They said to him : " What time does the train start ? "

10. She asked me : " Why didn't you come here yesterday ? "

11. Boris said to them : " How can I get to the railway station ? "

12. " I shall buy some new stamps for you if you give me this one , " said Mike to Kate

13. He said : " I am sure she will come in time . "

14. She said to Tom : " You may come tomorrow a little later . "


Ответ дал: Аноним
I asked Nick where he was going.
The teacher told us to go home.
Nick's mother told him not to be late for dinner.
The teacher asked me to please hand this note to my parents.
Masha said that she usually spent her holidays in the south.
He said that he was going to a rest-home the next day.
She told us that they had arrived in Moscow the day before.
The boy's father said that when he got a job, he would buy a warm coat.
They asked him what time the train started.
She asked me why I hadn't come there the day before.
Boris asked them how he could get to the railway station.
Mike offered to buy some new stamps for Kate if she gave him that one.
He said that he was sure she would come in time.
She told Tom that he could come a little later the next day.
Ответ дал: Аноним
  1. I asked Nick where he was going.
  2. The teacher told us to go home.
  3. Nick's mother told him not to be late for dinner.
  4. The teacher asked me to hand that note to my parents.
  5. Masha said that she usually spends her holidays in the south.
  6. He said that he was going to a rest-home the next day.
  7. She told us that they had arrived in Moscow the day before.
  8. The boy's father said that he would buy a warm coat when he got a job.
  9. They asked him what time the train started.
  10. She asked me why I hadn't come there the day before.
  11. Boris asked them how he could get to the railway station.
  12. Mike told Kate that he would buy her some new stamps if she gave him that one.
  13. He said that he was sure she would come in time.
  14. She told Tom that he might come a little later the next day.
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