Допоможіть будь ласка, дуже терміново!!
Поєднайте словосполучення та перекладіть їх.
1)Match the word combinations and translate them.

1.to beat and blues
2.to conduct singer
3.rhythm an orchestra
4.music the drums
5.folk contests
6.an opera music

Виберіть правильну відповідь.
2)Choose the correct answer.

1. Music by Bach, Brahms or Mozart is..
a) disco b)folk c) classical

2. A large group of people who play music together is called an..
a) orchestra b)soloist c)choir

3. A person who writes music is a .…
a) conductor b)artist c)compositor

4.”The Beatles” come from …
a)Los Angeles b)Liverpool c) London

5. Which of these items is not a musical instrument?
a) harp b) trumpet c) orchestra

6. “The Beatles” ' most popular song is called ..
a) “ Yesterday” b) “Today” c) “ Tomorrow”

Змініть наступні речення з активних на пасивні
3)Change the following sentences from Active to Passive .
1.My parents gave me a guitar.
_________________________ .
2.She won the song contest last year.
3.John will sing to you later.
___________________________ .
4.Everybody loves “The Beatles”.
___________________________ .
5. He will play piano sonatas at the concert in two days.
____________________________ .
6.They always decorate the stage in blue and yellow.
_____________________________ .


Ответ дал: Yorski505

1. guitar was given to me by my parents.

2.The song contest was won by her last year.

3.You will be sung to by John later.

4."The Beatles" are loved by everybody.

5.Piano sonatas will be played by him at the concert in two days.

6.The stage is always decorated in blue and yellow by them.

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