To bank off school to be devastated to get over to sew 1. He tapped his foot to the 2. It was a sunny day so they decided to 3. Kids, will you stop 4. My grandmother taught me to 5. Paul Simon wrote the 6. She 7. You will of the music with each other? beat lyrics for m​



Ответ дал: liliasakhno2307


He tapped his foot to the music.

Main action: tapped his foot.

Adverbial phrase: to the music.

It was a sunny day so they decided to bank off school.

Main action: decided to bank off school.

Adverbial phrase: It was a sunny day.

Kids, will you stop to be devastated?

Main action: stop.

Infinitive phrase: to be devastated.

Vocative: Kids.

My grandmother taught me to sew.

Main action: taught.

Indirect object: me.

Direct object: to sew.

Paul Simon wrote the music.

Main action: wrote.

Direct object: the music.

She is trying to get over the breakup.

Main action: is trying to get over.

Object of the preposition: the breakup.

You will sew the pieces of fabric together?

Main action: will sew.

Direct object: the pieces of fabric together

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