дуже швидко, допоможіть будь ласка
Complete the exchanges by putting verbs in brackets into the past simple, past perfect or past perfect continuous:
A How long (the detective/investigate) the crime before he (solve) it.
B Nearly a year, I think

A: Frank was sad last week because someone (burgle) his house.
B I know! He (forget) to lock the door, so they just opened it!

A (Detective Jones/go) home early yesterday? B Yes, he was tired because he (work) on the forgery case since 5 am.

A (you/ go) to the shopping centre yesterday? B No, It was closed because somebody (spray) graffiti everywhere the night before.

A I can't believe that the criminal (use) forged bank notes for over six years!
B Well, at least the police finally (arrest) him last weekend.​


Ответ дал: MagicSticks


A. How long had the detective been investigating the crime before he solved it?

B. Nearly a year, I think.

A: Frank was sad last week because someone had burgled his house.

B: I know! He forgot to lock the door, so they just opened it!

A: Had Detective Jones gone home early yesterday?

B: Yes, he was tired because he had been working on the forgery case since 5 am.

A: Did you go to the shopping center yesterday?

B: No, it was closed because somebody had sprayed graffiti everywhere the night before.

A: I can't believe that the criminal had been using forged bank notes for over six years!

B: Well, at least the police finally arrested him last weekend.

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