In your notebook, complete the sentences with have to/don’t have to, has to/doesn’t have to, had to/didn’t have to. 1. My mother has to get up early because she starts work at 6 o’clock. But she … get up so early at the weekends. 2. My doctor says that I … rest because I’ve got a sprained ankle. 3. Lena … get up early yesterday because it was Sunday. 4. We … be polite when we talk with strangers. 5. You … go to the dentist and check your teeth at least twice a year. 6. My parents are actors. They often … work at the weekends. 7. Last week, I … go on a diet because I had a stomach ache. ​


Ответ дал: MagicSticks


My mother has to get up early because she starts work at 6 o’clock. But she doesn't have to get up so early at the weekends.

My doctor says that I have to rest because I’ve got a sprained ankle.

Lena didn't have to get up early yesterday because it was Sunday.

We have to be polite when we talk with strangers.

You have to go to the dentist and check your teeth at least twice a year.

My parents are actors. They often have to work at the weekends.

Last week, I had to go on a diet because I had a stomach ache.

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