Put the verbs in brackets into the infinitive or the gerund.

1. The monopolist will keep on _____________ (produce) the good as long as the current profit associated with it exceeds the fixed cost.
2. You are strongly recommended ________________ (seek) professional advice.
3. She will regret ___________ (lose) a close political ally.
4. I take all the blame for not __________ (see) further than my nose.
5. A passer-by told the driver _____________ (move) his car so that it was not causing an obstruction.
6. Did you invite him? - Yes, I did and he promised ___________ (come).
7. He has been invited ____________ (attend) the meeting as an observer.
8. I don't mind _____________ (give) it if it's for a good cause.
9. If you decide __________________ (return) the merchandise, you have 14 days.
10. People usually complain about _________________ (have) to deal with too much bureaucracy.
11. A man claiming ________ (be) a journalist threatened to reveal details about her private life.
12. You certainly believe in ________________ (give) tit for tat! You have to pay your debts, you know.
13. Do you approve of __________________ (hunt) after foxes?
14. I know you don't approve of __________________ (smoke) so I won't smoke in here.


Ответ дал: gromoboyudks


1) producing

2) to seek

3) losing

4) seeing

5) to move

6) to come

7) to attend

8) giving

9) to return

10) having

11) to be

12) giving

13) hunting

14) smoking


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