Скласти 8 речень зі словами:фінанси,річ, якість,обслуговувати,покривати,заголовок,привертати увагу,бути успішним у виконанні чогось


Ответ дал: dimonchop


- Finance is an important aspect of any business.

- The thing that I like the most about my job is the flexibility.

- Quality is crucial when it comes to customer satisfaction.

- Our restaurant is known for its excellent service.

- The insurance policy should cover all potential risks.

- The headline of the newspaper article caught my attention.

- Bright colors and bold graphics can attract attention to a product.

- Hard work and dedication are essential to being successful in doing something.

Аноним: Добрый вечер не могли бы мне помочь с английским языком пожалуйста
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