Закінчіть речення, використовуючи “must”, “mustn't” або “needn't”.
1.We've got plenty of time. We ________ leave yet.
2.James gave me a letter. I ________ remember to posit it.
3.I ________ get up early tomorrow. the train leaves at 6.
4.This is a valuable book. You _______ look after it carefully and mustn't lose it.
5.You _______ cross the street without looking. It's dangerous.
6.You ________ wash those tomatoes. They have already been washed.
7.I _______ go to the hospital to see him. He's in pretty bad shape.
8.I understand your situation perfectly. You ________ explain any further.


Ответ дал: pomagat0r3000

Відповідь:     We needn't leave yet.

   I must remember to post it.

   I must get up early tomorrow. The train leaves at 6.

   You must look after it carefully and mustn't lose it.

   You mustn't cross the street without looking. It's dangerous.

   You needn't wash those tomatoes. They have already been washed.

   I must go to the hospital to see him. He's in pretty bad shape.

   You needn't explain any further. I understand your situation perfectly.

Аноним: Добрый вечер не могли бы мне помочь с английским языком пожалуйста
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