соч по английскому 4 класс 3 четверть (пожалуйста сестре надо помочь)​


Ответ дал: pomagat0r3000

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A Dog is My Best Friend

A dog is a special kind of pet that can become your best friend. They are loyal, loving, and always happy to see you. I have a dog named Max, and he is the best dog ever.

Max is a golden retriever with soft, fluffy fur and a wagging tail. He is always there when I need him, whether I want to play catch, go for a walk, or just cuddle on the couch. Max is so smart that he knows how to do lots of tricks like sit, stay, and roll over. He even knows how to fetch my favorite toy and bring it back to me.

When I come home from school, Max is always waiting for me at the door. He jumps up and down and licks my face, which makes me laugh. Max is also a great listener. Sometimes, when I'm feeling sad or upset, I tell Max about my problems, and he just sits there and listens. He doesn't judge me or try to give me advice; he just lets me talk.

One thing I love to do with Max is go for walks. We explore the neighborhood together and Max always sniffs out new smells. He gets so excited when he finds something interesting and he starts wagging his tail like crazy. Sometimes we even go to the park, and Max runs around chasing a ball or playing with other dogs.

In conclusion, having a dog like Max is the best thing ever. He is my loyal friend who is always there for me, and he brings so much joy and love into my life. I don't know what I would do without him, and I am grateful for him every day.

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