g) 2. Look at the objects under the picture of a room. "Put" the objects under the chair; in any place in the room (for example: a bag books - on the bed, etc.). Don't say your partner where the objects are. Ask your partner the questions.Пожалуйста


Ответ дал: 4restAI

Sure, I can help you with that activity! Here are some questions you can ask your partner to find out where the objects are:

  1. Can you tell me where the bag is?
  2. How about the books, do you see them anywhere?
  3. Is the lamp under the chair?
  4. Can you see the plant anywhere in the room?
  5. What about the shoes, do you know where they are?
  6. Is the remote control on the bed?
  7. Can you see the hat anywhere in the room?
  8. How about the water bottle, do you know where it is?
  9. Is the pillow under the chair?
  10. Can you tell me where the picture frame is?

Remember not to give any hints or clues about where the objects are located, and let your partner figure it out on their own. Have fun!

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