4.Tences (3 points)

1.It............ (happen) two years ago.2. I think it ......(happen) tomorrow. 3.He .... (be) born on the 2nd of January. 4. I...... (cook) dinner every afternoon. 5.Now Marina is in the kitchen.6. She....(cook) fish for dinner now. 7.I think she....... (cook) fish for dinner tomorrow. 8. Yesterday he......... (forget) to turn off the computer. НУЖНО ОЧЕНЬ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА


Ответ дал: SnowWhite1990


  1. It happened two years ago.
  2. I think it will happen tomorrow.
  3. He was born on the 2nd of January.
  4. I cook dinner every afternoon.
  5. Now Marina is in the kitchen.
  6. She is cooking fish for dinner now.
  7. I think she will cook fish for dinner tomorrow.
  8. Yesterday he forgot to turn off the computer.

jaradov152: Чел прошу умоляю помоги мне решить тест ооооочень срочно я даже на колени перед тобой встану я на всё готов я даже попу отлижу тебе только помоги пж вопрос жизни и смерти
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