Cowboys on horses don't interest me at all.
Harry: What about a (6)
Lisa: That is a good idea! Can you think of any?
Harry: OK, what about Paranormal Activity?
Lisa: No! Too scary!
? Something really frightening!
Theme: Use of English: Second conditional
Task1. Fill in the gaps using the verb in brackets in the second conditional.
1. If he..............(to know) it was dangerous, he..................(not to climb) there.
2. If you
..(to see) somebody begging on the street............ ..(you/to do)?
..(to stay) longer if Jack................(to be) healthy.
3. They
..(to give) me the answer if I...............(to ask) you?
5. If I ............( to go) to prison, ..........(you/to visit) me?
Task2. Complete the following phrases with your own idea, and use 2 Conditional:
1. If I had more money...
If I had more time.

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Ответ дал: shadyhru08

Task 1:

If he knew it was dangerous, he wouldn't climb there.
If you saw somebody begging on the street, what would you do? / If you see somebody begging on the street, what will you do?
If Jack were healthy, I would stay longer. / If Jack was healthy, I would stay longer.
They wouldn't be late if they left now.
You would give me the answer if I asked you.
If I went to prison, would you visit me?
Task 2:

If I had more money, I would travel the world.
If I had more time, I would read more books.
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