СРОЧНО!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Individual work Present Simple (negative) Build resent simple negative sentences to the given ones. (Пoбулуйте заперечні речення в Present Simple до поданих речень) 0. I have breakfast with my mum and sister. I don't have breakfast with my mumand sister. 1. Lisa plays tennis in the morning. Lisa tennis in the evening. 2. My father works in a school. My father in a zoo. 3. I play football in the park with my friends. football in the park with my family. 4. I clean my teeth in the morning. I. my teeth in the afternoon. 5. My sister sleeps in her bed. My sister on the sofa. 6. Sue does her homework in the evening. Sue............... her homework in the morning.​


Ответ дал: mardakovr





yana2009ua: где ответи?????????????????
yana2009ua: ты дурак
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