0 If the sun is / was shining, we wouldn’t / would go
out. But it’s raining, so we can’t!
1 If you lose / lost your wallet, what would / did you
2 I’d buy / I wouldn’t buy that book if I had /
wouldn’t have enough money. It looks really
3 If Maria worked / didn’t work harder, she
would get / got better marks in her school tests.
4 I know Ted would / wouldn’t help me if I had /
hadn’t a problem. He’s a great older brother!
5 I would / wouldn’t finish Mrs Smith’s homework if I
were / weren’t you. She’ll be cross if you don’t!
6 If Mark could / couldn’t ski better, he’d /
he wouldn’t enter the skiing competition. But he
still needs more practice.
7 Where did you like / would you like to go if you
could go / did go anywhere you wanted?
8 Dad wouldn’t / would give me a lift to school if he
was / wasn’t at home, but he’s already left for


Ответ дал: sonya4740


1. Was shining/ we would

2. I would/ I had

3. Worked/would got

4. Would/had

5. Would/were

6. Could/ would

7. Would you like/if you could

8. Would/was


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