Ex.4. Read the text. Some sentences were removed. Put them into correct order. There is one extra sentence you don't need to use. A. Now there is a bottle of medicine on John's table near his bed. B. But at that moment John's mother comes into the room. C. He touched John's head and immediately gave him some medicine. D. The doctor came yesterday. E. Suddenly John's father heard the noise. It is winter now and John is ill. He feels a pain in his chest. 1________________He felt the boy's pulse and listened to his lungs. 2.____________The doctor told John to stay in bed and take the medicine regularly 3 times a day. 3 _____But John doesn't like the medicine and doesn't want to take it. "What shall I do?" he thinks. " So then John gets out of his bed, takes his big black cat Tim and gives him his medicine. 4._ She understands everything. "Don't be silly, John," she says. "You should drink the medicine, not the cat. The cat may feel bad because of the medicine.​


Ответ дал: semviktoriya320


E. It is winter now and John is ill. He feels a pain in his chest.

D. The doctor came yesterday.

He felt the boy's pulse and listened to his lungs.

The doctor told John to stay in bed and take the medicine regularly 3 times a day.

But John doesn't like the medicine and doesn't want to take it.

A. Now there is a bottle of medicine on John's table near his bed.

B. But at that moment John's mother comes into the room.

She understands everything. "Don't be silly, John," she says. "You should drink the medicine, not the cat. The cat may feel bad because of the medicine."

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