GRAMMAR 1 Complete the sentences with the correct word or phrase. Example: 1 'Did they enjoy the party?' enjoyed did enjoy did 2 Yesterday We went to Rome last week. were went go didn't didn't was was 5 Sally 'Yes, they. Saturday. Today is Sunday. 3 Ia great film at the cinema last night. saw 'm seeing see 4 the football match yesterday? You watched Did you watch Watched you 6 Where was 7 I readed read red a book on the train. Jimmy this morning? were did my iPod last week. lose lost losed 8 What time Mr Carter leave? was is did​


Ответ дал: mercedesgalina903

1 Did they enjoy the party?

2 We went to Rome last week.

3 I saw a great film at the cinema last night.

4 Did you watch the football match yesterday?

5 Sally enjoyed it on Saturday. Today is Sunday.

6 Where was Jimmy this morning?

7 I read a book on the train.

8 What time did Mr Carter leave?

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