Mark the incorrect sentences.

A These skirts were wearing by many people in the 1990s.
B Don't worry. The dog will be found.
C The painting was painted with a great artist.
D My brother was born in December.
E I'll never left you.
F Are you studying hard this week?
G French is speaking in Nigeria.
H The results will be known in a week.​


Ответ дал: denysvarenuk


A. These skirts were wearing by many people in the 1990s. (incorrect: should be "These skirts were worn by many people in the 1990s.")

C. The painting was painted with a great artist. (incorrect: should be "The painting was painted by a great artist.")

E. I'll never left you. (incorrect: should be "I'll never leave you.")

G. French is speaking in Nigeria. (incorrect: should be "French is spoken in Nigeria.")

Ответ дал: mercedesgalina903


A These skirts were wearing by many people in the 1990s. (Should be "worn" instead of "wearing")

C The painting was painted with a great artist. (Should be "by" instead of "with")

E I'll never left you. (Should be "leave" instead of "left")

G French is speaking in Nigeria. (Should be "spoken" instead of "speaking")


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