1.make up sentences using the present perfect tense. 1)you/to wash/the dishes.2)they /to buy/a/new/computer.3)she/to wash/her/skirt.4)I/to paint/the/fence.5)the/dog/to eat/a/piece/of/meat.
2.make the sentences negative.1)she has found a wallet on the road.2)we have tidied our country house.3)the weather has changed.4)liz has left you a note.5)they have moved to another hotel.
3.make the sentences interrogative.1)we have been to the theatre.2)I have painted the walls in my bedroom.3)richard has turned on the radio.4)they have axplained this rule to me.5)amy and ron have gone to play tennis.


Ответ дал: but1fl

You have washed the dishes.

They have bought a new computer.

She has washed her skirt.

I have painted the fence.

The dog has eaten a piece of meat.

She hasn't found a wallet on the road.

We haven't tidied our country house.

The weather hasn't changed.

Liz hasn't left you a note.

They haven't moved to another hotel.

Have we been to the theatre?

Have I painted the walls in my bedroom?

Has Richard turned on the radio?

Have they explained this rule to me?

Have Amy and Ron gone to play tennis?

Ответ дал: Artur617


  • You have washed the dishes.
  • They have bought a new computer.
  • She has washed her skirt.
  • I have painted the fence.
  • The dog has eaten a piece of meat.


  • She hasn't found a wallet on the road.
  • We haven't tidied our country house.
  • The weather hasn't changed.
  • Liz hasn't left you a note.
  • They haven't moved to another hotel.


  • Have we been to the theatre?
  • Have I painted the walls in my bedroom?
  • Has Richard turned on the radio?
  • Have they explained this rule to me?
  • Have Amy and Ron gone to play tennis?
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