Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. Use no more than three words.

1  Why don’t you try swimming after school? If I were you, I __  after school.

2  Shall we watch the rugby match tonight? What about ___   the rugby match tonight?

3  Don’t eat a lot of sugar; it’s bad for you. Don’t eat so __  sugar; it’s bad for you.

4  Her tennis skills won’t improve if she doesn’t practise. Her tennis skills won’t improve __  she practises.  

5 Trevor can run the 800 metres in under 3 minutes.   It _  Trevor under 3 minutes to run the 800 metres.

6  I like to eat healthily and all my family do too. I like to eat healthily and  ___ my family.

7  Eva gained a lot of weight because she ate so many sweets. If Eva hadn’t eaten so many sweets, she  __   so much weight. ​


Ответ дал: Artur617
  1. If I were you, I'd try swimming after school.
  2. What about watching the rugby match tonight?
  3. Don't eat so much sugar; it's bad for you.
  4. Her tennis skills won't improve unless she practises.
  5. It takes Trevor under 3 minutes to run the 800 metres.
  6. I like to eat healthily and so does my family.
  7. If Eva hadn't eaten so many sweets, she wouldn't have gained so much weight.
Ответ дал: nitemrak


1  Why don’t you try swimming after school? If I were you, I would try swimming  after school.

2  Shall we watch the rugby match tonight? What about watching   the rugby match tonight?

3  Don’t eat a lot of sugar; it’s bad for you. Don’t eat so much  sugar; it’s bad for you.

4  Her tennis skills won’t improve if she doesn’t practise. Her tennis skills won’t improve unless  she practises.  

5 Trevor can run the 800 metres in under 3 minutes.   It takes Trevor under 3 minutes to run the 800 metres.

6  I like to eat healthily and all my family do too. I like to eat healthily and  so does my family.

7  Eva gained a lot of weight because she ate so many sweets. If Eva hadn’t eaten so many sweets, she  wouldn't have gained so much weight. ​

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