Розкрийте дужки, по ставивши дієслово в правильному часі The Past Simple \ the Present Simple, запишіть речення правильно.
1. … You … (to go) shopping every day? – No, I … (to go) shopping three times a week.
2. I … (to see) a good film last Friday.
3. We always … (to drink) a good coffee in this bar.
4. He … (not to clean) his room yesterday. He … (to be) tired.
5. Where … they … (to spend) last month?
`6. They … (not to recognize) me yesterday.
7. I … (to be) in this town last year.
8. How many lessons … you … (to have) every day?
9. He usually … (to sleep) well. But last night he … (to sleep) bad.
10. When … you … (to leave) the meeting yesterday?
11. She … (to comb) her hair every morning.
12. They … (not to rest) yesterday


Ответ дал: Pas21051

Ответ:Do you go shopping every day? - No, I went shopping three times a week.

I saw a good film last Friday.

We always drink good coffee in this bar.

He did not clean his room yesterday. He was tired.

Where did they spend last month?

They did not recognize me yesterday.

I was in this town last year.

How many lessons do you have every day?

He usually sleeps well. But last night he slept badly.

When did you leave the meeting yesterday?

She combs her hair every morning.

They did not rest yesterday.


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