Срочно є всього 5 хвилин



Ответ дал: RouFok

I'm tired. We have been walking for over an hour. Let's stop and rest for a while.

The zoo isn't far from here. I have walked there many times.

I have written my friends at least a dozen letters since I left home and come home.

Sally is writing a letter to her boyfriend. She has been writing it since she got home from class. It's going to be a long letter.

The telephone has rung four times in the last hour, and each time it has been for my roommate.

The telephone has been ringing for almost a minute. Why doesn't someone answer it?

She is 80 and she has never read a book in her life.

The secretary is very tired. She has been typing all morning.

Tom is reading a book. He started two hours ago and he is on page 53. He has been reading for two hours.

Hello! I am cleaning the windows. So far I have cleaned five of them and there are two more to do.

My grandfather died 30 years ago. I have never met him.

A: Is your father at home?

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