Nice muffins!
I was in the queue in Starbucks with my friend. We were chatting away and waiting to order our coffees. There were some free samples of muffins on the counter. I thought that was very nice, so I reached over and took a piece. I popped it into my mouth. My friend looked horrified, totally shocked. I asked her what was the matter. She told me they were not free samples at all, it was someone's dirty plate they had returned to the counter. By Lupin

Put the missing words ( coffee, counter, Starbucks ate, horrified, samples, friend) in:
1. They were in ___
2. Lupin was with her ___
3. They were waiting to order ___
4. Lupin ___ some muffin
5. The muffin was on the ___
6. Her friend was ISLCollective ___
7. They were not free ___​


Ответ дал: hypefaq

1. They were in queue.

2. Lupin was with her friend.

3. They were waiting to order coffee.

4. Lupin ate some muffin.

5. The muffin was on the counter.

6. Her friend was horrified.

7. They were not free samples.

Ответ дал: designernikita22


They were in Starbucks

Lupin was with her friend

They were waiting to order coffee

Lupin ate some muffin

The muffin was on the counter

Her friend was horrified

They were not free samples


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