You recently took part in a school event which was very successful.

1)Talk about the preparations before the event

2)Describe the event and talk about your part in it

3)Explain why it was successful


Ответ дал: ilyav1nokurov


Preparations before the event:

The school event we recently organized was a charity fundraiser for a local animal shelter. It was a collaborative effort among several student clubs and organizations, and we started planning for it several weeks in advance. We had to finalize the venue, decide on the activities and games, create posters and flyers to promote the event, and recruit volunteers to help us with various tasks. We also reached out to local businesses for donations and sponsorships, which involved writing letters and making phone calls.

The event and my part in it:

The event took place on a Saturday afternoon, and we had a variety of fun activities and games for kids and families. We had face painting, a photo booth, a petting zoo, and a raffle with prizes donated by local businesses. I was in charge of managing the petting zoo, which had several animals from the animal shelter, including dogs, cats, and rabbits. My responsibilities included making sure the animals were well-fed and taken care of, and ensuring that visitors followed the rules and treated the animals with care and respect.

Why it was successful:

The event was a great success, and we managed to raise a significant amount of money for the animal shelter. There were several reasons for its success. First, we had a clear purpose and goal in mind, which was to raise money for a worthy cause. Second, we had a strong team of volunteers who were passionate and committed to making the event a success. Third, we had a variety of fun activities and games that appealed to a wide range of people. Finally, we had great support from the local community, who came out in large numbers to support the event and make donations. Overall, it was a great experience, and we were thrilled to have made a difference in the lives of animals in need.


Ответ дал: designernikita22


Before the event, we had to do a lot of preparations to ensure that everything went smoothly. We had meetings with the teachers in charge to discuss the event's objectives, the activities that we would be doing, and the expected outcomes. We also had to prepare materials such as posters, banners, and flyers to promote the event. Additionally, we had to coordinate with the participants, such as the performers, speakers, and volunteers, to ensure that they were well-prepared for the event.

The event was a school fair that aimed to showcase the students' talents and promote the school's culture. It was held in the school's playground, which was decorated with colorful balloons, ribbons, and streamers. My part in the event was to lead the opening ceremony, where I gave a speech welcoming the participants and the audience. I also participated in a dance competition and sang with my classmates in the choir performance.

The event was successful because it achieved its objectives, which were to showcase the students' talents, promote the school's culture, and foster a sense of community among the students and teachers. The performances, exhibits, and activities were engaging and entertaining, which attracted a lot of attendees. The participants were well-prepared, and the event's flow was smooth and organized. Moreover, the event's atmosphere was festive and welcoming, which made the attendees feel comfortable and happy. Overall, it was a successful event that brought the school community together and showcased the students' talents and potential.


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