Write a paragraph about your abilities in the past and your abilities today. Use can and could.

1. (Brainstorm) List all the things you could do when you were a child and all the things you can do now. Use these questions to make notes.

· What things could you do as a five-year-old child?
· Did you have any special athletic or academic abilities?
· What things couldn't you do?
· What things can you do now?
· What things can't you do now?
· Do you have any special athletic or academic abilities?
· Do you have any job-related abilities?
2. (Write) A First Draft Before you write your first draft, read the checklist below.

3. (Edit) Read your work and check it against the checklist below. Circle grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.

DO I...

1. use can to show present ability?
2. use could to show past ability?
3. make affirmative and negative statements using · can and could?
4. ask and answer Yes/No questions using can and could?
5. ask and answer information questions using can and could? ​


Ответ дал: Bosopp


When I was a child, I could run really fast and climb trees with ease. I also had a talent for drawing and could spend hours creating art. However, I couldn't swim very well and struggled with math. Now, as an adult, I can still run and climb, although not as quickly as before. I have also developed my artistic abilities and can now create digital art as well. Unfortunately, I still struggle with math, but I have learned to manage it better. In terms of job-related abilities, I have developed strong writing and communication skills over the years. While I can't say I'm an expert in everything, I can confidently say that I have learned and grown in many ways.

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