1 Fill in: writer, composer, architect, painter, warrior, inventor, queen, philosopher, engineer, explorer. 1 Van Gogh was a great only sold one painting in his lifetime! 2 Beethoven was an amazing His music is superb. ................, but he 3 Genghis Khan was a great fought many battles. 4 Socrates was a famous ...... in Ancient Greece. He was one of the wisest people of all time. 5 Columbus was a(n) ..... on four voyages to 'the New World'. 6 Elizabeth I was a great English She ruled England for about 45 years. 7 Alexander Graham Bell was the and who went of the telephone. 8 Antonio Gaudí was a famous Spanish He designed lots of buildings. 9 A(n)............... designs machines and buildings. 0 James Joyce was an Irish .... ......... His most famous novel is Ulysses. Choose the correct word.​


Ответ дал: nikbobr

1) painter

2) composer

3) warrior

4) philosopher

5) explorer

6) queen

7) inventor

8) architect

9) engineer

10 writer

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