1. 2. 3. 1. 2. Test in English on Grammar (Modal verbs), the 8 form, K.Kaufman. 1. Choose "may, can or could": 1. 2. 3. I am sorry, I am late. Lena, you give me a cup of tea, please? I come in? I use your book? 2. Choose "must, should or have to": I am ill. I She teacher. stay at the hospital for a month. learn English well, because I want to become an English 3. You 3. Choose "can, could or to be able to": My sister He My brother do your homework regularly. read, when she was five years old. speak English very well. to drive a car in 3 months.
helppp please:((​



Ответ дал: vladislavustus47
  1. Choose "may, can or could":
  2. Could you give me a cup of tea, please?
  3. Can I come in?
  4. May I use your book?
  5. Choose "must, should or have to":
  6. I must stay at the hospital for a month because I am ill.
  7. I should learn English well, because I want to become an English teacher.
  8. Choose "can, could or to be able to":
  9. You should do your homework regularly.
  10. She could read when she was five years old.
  11. He can speak English very well.
  12. My brother will be able to drive a car in 3 months.

dudedgr: а можешь с 4 и 5 помочь, пожалуйста
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