10 речень на тему Фільми зі словами which, where, who.​


Ответ дал: Mykhailo06



Which movie did you watch last night?

The cinema, where we saw the latest blockbuster, was packed with people.

Who is your favorite actor in action movies?

I can't decide which movie to watch tonight.

The theater, where the play was shown, is quite small.

Who directed that film you were talking about?

I don't remember the name of the movie, but I remember the scene where the hero saves the day.

Which genre of movies do you prefer – comedy or drama?

The cinema where we watched the movie was newly renovated and very comfortable.

Who played the lead role in that film that won the Oscar for Best Picture last year?

kira66220623: стоп...
kira66220623: а как так быстро?
kira66220623: ладно все равно спасибо
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