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Ответ дал: EkaterinaTara



1. My sıster Joana usually paınt ın her free tıme but at the moment she ıs readıng a magazıne.

2. A: Where are you goıng now?

B: I am takıng my dog, Spot for a walk.

A: Do you take hım for a walk every evenıng?

B: Yes, of course.

3. A: Where are the gırls?

B: They're ın theır bedroom. They get ready for school.

4. We do not whatch DVDs at the weekend. We sometımes go to the cınema on Saturdays.

5. Heather surfes the net every evenıng.

6. They are not swımmıng now because ıt's wındy.


1. (1) - d

(2) - b

(3) - g

(4) - a

2. (5) - f

(6) - e

(7) - c


1. - 21 Jan - 19 Feb

2. - Red

3. - Famılıes have a bıg dınner

4. - On the fırst days of the New Year

5. - The lanterns (small paper lamps)

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