Даю 100 баллов и лучший ответ



Ответ дал: lerapion
1 A I was so sorry to hear that your cat died.
B Thank you. When I saw her empty bowl, it really drove home the fact that I'd never see her again.
2 A How did the meeting with Andy's parents go?
B It was great. We all hit it off like a house on fire.
3 A Hello! Sorry we're so late. The traffic was terrible.
B Don't worry. Just sit down and I'll put the kettle on.
4 A Did you read those excellent reviews in the local paper about the school play?
B Yes, I did. Apparently, it went down a storm.
5 A I'm not going up there. It looks a bit dangerous!
B Oh, come on! It's a piece of cake. Plus, the view from the top is fantastic!
6 A How was that new restaurant you went to?
B Well, the food was overpriced, but the manager sweetened the deal by giving us a bottle of wine because it was my birthday.
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