2 Read the text. For each question, choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.
1 What does the writer suggest about the Wodaabe people in the second paragraph?
A They have a high opinion of themselves.
B The men want to impress each other.
C They get everything they need from their animals.
D They care most about the clothing they wear.
2 The writer is excited to see the festival because
A he has been waiting for it to start for a long time.
B he has travelled a long way to see it.
C he thinks everyone else seems too serious. D he wants to witness a unique event.
3 In the fourth paragraph, what is the purpose of describing the preparations?
A To show how beautiful the contestants become.
B To give examples of Wodaabe beauty preparations.
C To express the difficulty of costume-making. D To emphasize how stressful the Wodaabe find the Gerewol.
4 The phrase 'atmosphere becomes more highly charged' in lines 40-41 suggests that
A the dancers do not notice the excitement of the crowd.
B the contestants are dancing harder despite being tired.
C the dancers think the contest is getting more difficult.
D the hot weather is starting to make the dancers tired.
5 What do we learn about the writer's feelings towards the festival?
A He feels the competition isn't fair on the losers.
B He thinks the tradition is worth keeping. C He believes the competition is nothing special.
D He thinks it's too tiring for the Wodaabe men.​


Ответ дал: romokei845



1. What does the writer suggest about the Wodaabe people in the second paragraph?

Answer: B. The men want to impress each other.

2. The writer is excited to see the festival because

Answer: D. he wants to witness a unique event.

3. In the fourth paragraph, what is the purpose of describing the preparations?

Answer: B. To give examples of Wodaabe beauty preparations.

4. The phrase 'atmosphere becomes more highly charged' in lines 40-41 suggests that

Answer: C. the dancers think the contest is getting more difficult.

5. What do we learn about the writer's feelings towards the festival?

Answer: B. He thinks the tradition is worth keeping.

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