In 1921 he got the Nobel Prize in physics. He became very famous, almost like a movie star. His picture was in many newspapers but he was a shy man and didn't like the publicity much. However, when Hitler came to power in Germany, Einstein decided to speak for peace. He said it was wrong for one person to kill another and that all men should refuse to be soldiers. Hitler didn't like any of his beliefs. There was another problem. Einstein was Jewish and Hitler hated Jews.

Einstein's life was in danger and that was why he and his wife moved to the United States.

6. During World War II Einstein was worried that German scien- tists, controlled by Hitler, would create the atomic bomb which would help Germany win the war. Even though Einstein never took any part in the creation of the bomb, it was partly his ideas that helped scientists make it. He knew very well how dangerous such a bomb would be.

Close to the end of World War II American scientists developed the bomb first. When Einstein found out about it he wrote to the American President asking him not to use the bomb because it was very, very dangerous. It made him very sad when the bomb was actually dropped on Hiroshima, Japan, in 1945. He wrote once: "Science is a powerful instrument. How it is used depends on man himself, not on the instrument. A knife is useful for the lives of human beings, but it can also be used to kill."

7. After World War II Einstein continued to work both for science and for peace. In 1955, he died in his sleep at the age of seventy-six.
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