D. Circle the correct words.

1. You mustn't/ don't have to drive me to the airport. I can take a taxi. 2. Yesterday someone called Tom while we were having dinner and he must / had to go back to wo 3. Excuse me, you can't / must shout in here. This is a hospital! 4. When Alice gets here, she must / had to explain why she is late again. 5. Kelly mustn't/ doesn't have to drive without her glasses. She can't see well. 6. You have to / mustn't drink a lot of water. It's good for you.

помогите срочно, пожалуйста дам 30 балов ​



Ответ дал: Sargatanasia

1. You don't have to drive me to the airport. I can take a taxi.

2. Yesterday someone called Tom while we were having dinner and he had to go back to work.

3. Excuse me, you can't shout in here. This is a hospital!

4. When Alice gets here, she must explain why she is late again.

5. Kelly mustn't drive without her glasses. She can't see well.

6. You have to drink a lot of water. It's good for you.

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