Writing Task 3 Choose one of the topics below. Look at the information. Then write an email to a friend describing an accident. Use the ideas to help you holiday in the USA-driving through forest-saw deer in road-dad drove car into a tree! - dad hurt his hand a lorry driver stopped-drove us to a hospital in a small town Now very bored! - in town three days-dad OK, but the garage still haven't repaired the car!


Ответ дал: Аноним


Subject: Accident in the Forest

Hi [Friend's Name],

Hope you're doing well. I wanted to share with you something that happened during our recent holiday in the USA. We were driving through a forest when we saw a deer on the road. It was a beautiful sight, and we slowed down to avoid hitting it. However, things took a turn for the worse when my dad lost control of the car and crashed into a tree!

My dad hurt his hand pretty badly, but thankfully, a kind lorry driver stopped to help us. He drove us to a nearby hospital in a small town, where the doctors treated my dad's injuries. It was quite an ordeal, and we were relieved that my dad was okay.

However, we've been stuck in this small town for the past three days, and we're getting really bored. The garage still haven't repaired our car, and we have no idea when it will be ready. We're starting to miss the rest of our holiday plans, but we're trying to make the best of our time here.

Anyway, I just wanted to let you know what's been going on with us. I hope everything is going well with you, and we'll catch up soon.

Take care,

[Your Name


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