Поставити дієслова в дужках у правильну форму Past Simple чи Past Perfect 1. When we (to arrive) at the station, the train had already left. 2. After arriving home, I realised I (to not buy) any bread. 3.I really (to feel) sick last night because I (to eat) too much fish. 4.He (to ask) me which animals I (to see) in Africa. 5.Before they (to move) to Liverpool, they (to sell) everything. 6.After she (to wash) the curtains, she (to clean) the windows. Знайти і виправити помилки в часових формах дієслів. 7.Ann had given me the book I hadn’t read before. 8.They were late but the lecture didn’t start yet. Дайте відповідь на питання (ТАК або НІ) 9.The Past Simple утворюється так: V (ed) / V (|||) 10.Для утворення питань та заперечних речень в Past Perfect використовюють допоміжне дієслово HAVE 11.yesterday, last week/month/year, at 3 o'clock - cлова-маркери для Past Simple​


Ответ дал: alisaxrctchv

1) arrived

2) hadn't bought

3) felt, had had eaten

4) asked, had seen

5) moved, had sold

6) had washed, cleaned

7) Ann had given me the book i haven't read before

8) They were late but the lecture haven't started yet

alisaxrctchv: на жаль, не знаю як робити інші завдання
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