Preposi 2 0 D- 30 T There is some pizza There is a guitar There are two dogs There is a window There is a racket There is some cheese There is a rug There is a lamp There is a trophy - There is a picture - There is a bird flying - There are two fish EM AR plete the sentences with the prepositions in the ba behind next to in front of over in between under the box. the lamp and the plant. the table. the sofa. the bag. the plate. the sofa. the shelf. the books. the wall. NETFL the trees. the bowl. я на уроке помогите ​



Ответ дал: alimbetovtima2011


1) There is a sofa in front of the window.

2) There are two cats on the sofa

3) There are some books next to the sofa

4) There are some glasses in the cupboard 5) There is a ball under the cupboard

6) There is a lamp behind the books

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