WRITING.Task 3. Imagine that you were in the mountains with your friends last weekend and wr
1. Use Past Simple to share your experience:
2. Use a range of appropriate vocabulary with correct spelling
3. Link your ideas into paragraphs with three four basic connectors
- Para I When and where the story happened.
- Para 2 Who were there, actions in the order
- Para 3 What happened in the end
4. Write the summary using natural disasters
5. provides grammatically correct sentences:
6. correct spelling of words


Ответ дал: loxik14

Last weekend, I went to the mountains with friends. We hiked up to the summit, enjoyed the beautiful views and had a picnic. Later on, we built a campfire and told stories. Suddenly, we heard a loud noise and saw rocks falling towards us. We ran as fast as we could and took shelter behind a big boulder. Thankfully, we were safe but we saw a small landslide that was caused by the heavy rain earlier that day. It was a scary experience, but we learned to always be aware of natural disasters in the mountains.

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