Replace the words in bold with one of the modals: can, shouldn't, mustn't, can't, should. 1 It's a good idea to boil eggs, not fry them. You should 2 You aren't allowed to talk in class. You ... 3 It's forbidden to eat in the gym. You .... 4 It's possible to buy olive oil in that shop. You ....... 5 It's not a good idea to put hot food into the fridge. You ... ​


Ответ дал: stighor

1 It's a good idea to boil eggs, not fry them. You should boil eggs, not fry them.    2 You aren't allowed to talk in class. You can't talk in class.
3 It's forbidden to eat in the gym. You mustn't eat in the gym.
4 It's possible to buy olive oil in that shop. You can buy olive oil in that shop.
5 It's not a good idea to put hot food into the fridge. You shouldn't put hot food into the fridge.


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