You have just bought a birthday present for your sister. Write a message about it to your English friend Sam. Write between
120-150 words.
In your message:
• say what you have bought for your sister
• say why you chose it
• say which shop you bought it in.
• and any other news about yourself.
120-150 words


Ответ дал: Аноним

Hi Sam,

How are you doing? I hope you are well and enjoying your summer. I have some exciting news to share with you. I have just bought a birthday present for my sister and I think she will love it.

I have bought her a silk pillowcase and eye mask set by Colorado Home Co. It is supposed to be very soft and comfortable, and good for your skin and hair. I chose it because my sister loves sleeping and pampering herself, and she always complains about her pillow being too rough. I think this will make her feel more relaxed and luxurious.

I bought it online from Etsy, which is a website that sells handmade and unique gifts. I like shopping there because you can find something special for everyone, and support small businesses at the same time. The seller was very friendly and helpful, and they even offered to wrap the gift for me.

I can’t wait to see my sister’s reaction when she opens it. Her birthday is next week, so I will send it to her soon. Do you have any plans for your sister’s birthday? She is also turning 18 this year, right?

As for me, I am doing fine. I have been busy with work lately, but I try to find some time to relax and have fun. Last weekend, I went hiking with some friends and we had a great time. The weather was perfect and the views were amazing.

I miss you a lot and I hope we can talk soon. Maybe we can do a video call next weekend? Let me know what you think.

Take care,

Your friend

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