Present perfect + for and since, How long? Make sentences with How long? Complete the answers with for or since. 1 A you/live/ in this house? How long have you lived in this house? 2 B... I was a child - so, .... fifteen years! 3 A your father / work/ in the bank? 4 B... five years. 3 5 A you have the same hairstyle? 6 B.... I was about six! 7 A you know / your best friend? 8 B.... three years. 9 A your class / study / English? 10 B.... we were at primary school.​


Ответ дал: Krolexonder

A: How long have you lived in this house?

B: Since I was a child - so, for fifteen years!

A: How long has your father worked in the bank?

B: For five years.

A: How long have you had the same hairstyle?

B: Since I was about six!

A: How long have you known your best friend?

B: For three years.

A: How long has your class been studying English?

B: Since we were at primary school.

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