Find square objects
A. Tv,desk,computer B. Lamp,table,chair
C.Miscophone,chalk,map D.House,door,window
2. What is a ‘raisin’ in Uzbek?
A.Tuxum B.Sut C.Mayiz D.Salat bargi
3. We can buy cucumbers from the ……Section
A.bakery B.fruit and vegetable C.butchers D.dairy
4. There…..some chocolate and fruit cakes
A.is B.a lot C.in D.are
5.Find the years in chronologically correct order
A. 1978,200,1245 B. 1987,1346,1786
C.1987,1989,1990 D.1945,1967,1989
6.My birthday is…..the third of February
A.on B.in C.at D.from
7. What is “sovg’a” in English?
A.Card B. Present C.Birthday D.Cake
8. The box of……is for my granny because she likes sweets
A.Roses B.Balls C.Flowers D.Chocolates
9. I’d like to have a …….birthday party because I like dinosaurs
A. Table B. Dinosaur C.Cartoon heroes D. Clown
10. Find the verbs in the Past Simple
A. made,started,cook B. finish,get,hard C. had,cooked,got D.start,look,played
11. Find irregular verbs
A. give,take,sing B.get,clean,have C.want,dance,look D.do,celebrate,like
12. My birthday is…..autumn. It’s …. The 25th of September.
A. on/in B.At/in C.in/at D.in/on
13. What happened last summer?
A.I went to Samarkand B. I go to the concert
C.I will go to the beach D. She goes to the park
14.What is “boring” in Uzbek
A Qiziqarli B. Zeriakrli C.Ajoyib D.Hayajonli
15. Baby dinosaurs ….very small million years ago.
A. Was B. Are C. Were D. Had​


Ответ дал: tomiekawakami
1.B. Lamp, table, chair
2.D. Salat bargi
3.B. Fruit and vegetable
4.A. Is
5.D. 1945, 1967, 1989
6.A. On
7.B. Present
8.D. Chocolates
9.B. Dinosaur
10.A. Made, started, cooked
11.A. Give, take, sing
12.B. At/in
13.A. I went to Samarkand
14.A. Qiziqarli
15.C. Were
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