Writing Task 2. Write a short paragraph about your fantasy city. Use the que 1. What is the name of the city? Where is your city? 2.Is it near or far from the capital city? 3.Are there any interesting places in the city or near it? 4. What shops are there? 5. What shops do you like and why? 6. What sports are popular? 7. Where would you like to go in your city and why? быстрее пожалуйста​

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Ответ дал: Krolexonder

My fantasy city is called "Aurora" and it is located on the coast of a fictional continent. The city is situated about 100 miles away from the capital city, making it a great destination for those who want to escape the hustle and bustle of city life. One of the most interesting places in Aurora is the "Crystal Gardens", a stunning botanical garden with colorful flowers and exotic plants. There are also many quaint cafes and shops, such as a vintage bookstore and a bakery that sells delicious pastries. My favorite shop in Aurora is a small art gallery that showcases local artists' works, as I love exploring and supporting local art scenes. The most popular sport in Aurora is beach volleyball, as the city is known for its beautiful sandy beaches. I would love to visit the "Sunset Point", a hill that overlooks the city and provides a breathtaking view of the sunset over the ocean.

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