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Is your Speaking skill better than your Writing? Why/Why not?


Ответ дал: rte12132

For many people, developing strong language skills is an essential part of their education and professional growth. Two of the most important language skills are speaking and writing. Some individuals excel in speaking, while others have a talent for writing. In my case, I believe that my writing and speaking skills are equally strong.

Writing has always been one of my favorite activities. I enjoy the challenge of expressing my ideas in written form, whether it's an essay, a report, or a letter. Writing requires focus, concentration, and organization, and I feel a sense of accomplishment when I finish a well-crafted piece. Additionally, I appreciate the fact that writing allows me to revise and edit my work, ensuring that my ideas are expressed clearly and effectively.

On the other hand, I also consider myself to be a competent speaker. I have worked hard to develop my oral communication skills, and I feel comfortable expressing myself in a variety of contexts. Whether it's a classroom presentation, a business meeting, or a social event, I am confident in my ability to convey my ideas and engage my audience.

In conclusion, I believe that both writing and speaking are important skills that require practice and dedication to develop. While some individuals may excel in one area over the other, I have found that cultivating both skills has been essential to my personal and professional growth.

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