1. Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в нужную форму 1. This book (write) many years ago. 2. His car (break) so he had to take a taxi. 3. This castle (build) in the 16th century. 4. I've missed the news block! When it (repeat)? 5. This dress is brand new, it never (wear). 6. I am reading a book while my car (repair). 7. At what time the dinner usually (serve) here? 8. To my great surprise the problem (solve) yet.
2. Передайте следующие предложения в Passive Voice. 1. By six o'clock they had finished the work. 2. They will show this film on TV. 3. They are building a new concert hall in our street. 4. They are repairing the clock now. 5. They sell milk in this shop. 6. I have translated the whole text. 7. They broke the window last week. 8. They were playing tennis from four till five. 9. They will stage this play at the beginning of next season. 10. They haven't brought back my skates.​


Ответ дал: ChesteBennington


1)This book was written many years ago. 2) His car was broken so he had to take a taxi. 3)This castle was built in the 16th century. 4) I’ve missed the news block! When will it be repeated? 5) This dress is brand new, it has never been worn. 6) I am reading a book while my car is being repaired. 7) At what time is the dinner usually served here? 8) To my great surprise the problem has not been solved yet.Простите знаю только 1 задание.

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