Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capital letters

Italian Pizza

Pizza Margherita may have set the standard, but there (BE) several regional styles of pizza made in Italy today.
For example, a traditional Neapolitan pizza Marinara that has oregano, anchovies, and lots of garlic, or Pizza Capriccios that contains a lot of mushrooms, prosciutto, artichoke hearts, (OLIVE) , and a half of a (BOIL) egg!
Pizzas from Sicily have a plenty of green olives, seafood, hard-boiled eggs, and (PEA) .
Different kinds of pizza have different (INGREDIENT) . Anyway, all these varieties are really delicious, and they are all worth trying.



Ответ дал: jjkk88
Pizza Margherita may have set the standard, but there are several regional styles of pizza made in Italy today.
For example, a traditional Neapolitan pizza Marinara that has oregano, anchovies, and lots of garlic, or Pizza Capricciosa that contains a lot of mushrooms, prosciutto, artichoke hearts, olives, and a half of a boiled egg!
Pizzas from Sicily have plenty of green olives, seafood, hard-boiled eggs, and peas.
Different kinds of pizza have different ingredients. Anyway, all these varieties are really delicious, and they are all worth trying.
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