СРОЧНОООООО7. Rewrite the sentences using reported speech. 1. Please don't take photos inside the temple. (tour guide → tourists) The tour guide photos inside the temple. 2. Could you show me your tickets, please? (museum worker ➡ students) The museum worker tickets. 3. What time does the museum close? (student teacher) The student___________ the teacher the museum 4. Don't be late for the bus! (teacher students) the students The teacher bus. the tourists the students him/her their - for the 5. Can you tell me where the train station is, please? (tourist ➡me) The tourist the train station СРОЧНОООООО​


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11


The tour guide told tourists not to take photos inside the temple.

The museum worker asked the students to show him their tickets.

The student asked the teacher what time the museum closed.

The teacher told the students not to be late for the bus

The tourist asked me if I could tell him where the train station was.


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