пожалуйста тема : почему подростки хотят быть богатыми и как влияет на них тик ток блогеры и их кумиры ! Пожалуйста умоляю ,можете написать на русском или укр,не обязательно на английском,я переведу )


Ответ дал: olyanchek
Nowadays, many teenagers dream of being rich and famous. The reasons for this desire can vary from person to person, but in general, being wealthy is associated with a luxurious lifestyle, independence, and social status. In the age of social media, TikTok bloggers and their idols play a significant role in shaping teenagers' attitudes towards money and success.

TikTok is a rapidly growing platform where users can create short videos and share them with their followers. Some of the most popular TikTok bloggers are young people who have gained millions of followers and huge incomes from their videos. They often promote a lifestyle of luxury, showing off expensive cars, clothes, and jewelry, which can create an impression that being rich is the key to happiness and fulfillment.

In addition to that, teenagers often look up to celebrities and influencers who have become successful and wealthy through their talents or social media.

Аноним: Двосвіття казки-повісті "Крихітка Цахес", автор Ернст Теодор Амадей Гофман.
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