c. What do phrasal verbs in bold mean? Complete the sentences
making them true or false about you. Read the sentences to your
partner to guess whether they are true or false.
1. I'm looking ... to ... .
2. I picked ....
3. I was caught ... in ... .
4. I sometimes give ... .
5. I'd like to try ....


Ответ дал: nkpr911



I'm looking forward to (anticipating with excitement) ... my next vacation.

(True or False)

I picked up (acquired) ... some groceries on the way home.

(True or False)

I was caught up in (involved in and unable to escape from) ... traffic on my way to work.

(True or False)

I sometimes give in (yield or surrender) ... to my cravings for sweets.

(True or False)

I'd like to try out (experiment with) ... a new restaurant in town.

(True or False)

Ответ дал: MORSINofficial


I'm looking forward to... - This means that you are excited or eager about something that is going to happen in the future.

Example: I'm looking forward to my vacation next month. (True or False?)

I picked up... - This means that you acquired something, usually by buying it or taking it from somewhere.

Example: I picked up a new book at the bookstore yesterday. (True or False?)

I was caught up in... - This means that you became involved or engrossed in something to the point where you lost track of time or were distracted.

Example: I was caught up in a good movie last night and didn't realize how late it had gotten. (True or False?)

I sometimes give in... - This means that you sometimes agree to do something that you don't really want to do or that goes against your better judgement.

Example: I sometimes give in to my sweet tooth and eat too much junk food. (True or False?)

I'd like to try out... - This means that you are interested in experimenting with or testing something new.

Example: I'd like to try out that new restaurant in town. (True or False?)

MORSINofficial: Спасибо за оценку;))
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