2 Write, using the words above. 2 Rob is a mountain climber. Last year, he went on an expedition to Mount Aconcagua in the Andes. At first, the weather was sunny. But when Rob and his guides arrived at the it began to snow and it was difficult to see. They started to go down the mountain quickly, but there was lots of snow and ice. They were thirsty, but they couldn't drink because their water was ³ ! Luckily, they had some cooking so they used this to 5 the ice in a pan. But it was difficult for Rob and the other men to breathe because there wasn't much 6 for help, and soon a helicopter arrived. The helicopter found their 7 mountain thanks to Rob's mobile phone. 3 Read the Class Book. Write T (true) or F (false). 1 Hillary's expedition started in June 1953. F 2 He reached the top of Mount Everest on 29th May. 3 They stayed at the top of Everest for two hours. 4 The youngest person to climb to the summit was 15. . Rob rang on the​



Ответ дал: Sandra7890


1. Mountain

2. Frozen


4. Melt

5. Water

6. Bodies


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