1 Are the sentences correct? Correct the incorrect sentences. 1 If you will come with me, I'll be very happy. If you come with me, I'll be very happy. 2 If I find your mobile, I'll bring it to school tomorrow. 3 Lucy will be angry with me if she will find out. 4 I think it will be more fun if you come too. 5 If I won't finish my homework, I'll be in trouble.

пж даю 20 б ​


Ответ дал: leralvk


1. If you come with me, I’ll be very happy.

2. If I find your mobile, I'll bring it to school tomorrow.

3. Lucy will be angry with me if she finds out.

4. I think it will be more fun if you come too.

5. If I don’t finish my homework, I’ll be in trouble.


Общее правило для условных предложений первого типа - использовать if + present simple, will + инфинитив в основном предложении. После if will никогда не ставится.

Таким образом, предложения 2 и 4 являются правильными. Предложения 1, 3 и 5 неверны, так как в них вместо present simple используется will или won't.

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