Діалог на тему "створення своєї музикальної групи" з англійської​


Ответ дал: trast1


A: Hey, have you ever thought about creating your own music band?

B: Actually, yes. I've always loved music, and I think it would be great to play with other musicians.

A: That's awesome! What kind of music would you like to play?

B: I'm into rock and alternative music. What about you?

A: Same here. I play the guitar, and I'm also into those genres.

B: Really? That's great. I play the drums, so we could start with the two of us.

A: Definitely. We'll need to find a bassist and a vocalist too. Do you know anyone who could be interested?

B: Well, I know a guy who plays bass, and he's really good. As for a vocalist, we could try posting some ads online or asking around.

A: That's a good idea. We should also start working on some original songs.

B: Agreed. We could each come up with some ideas and work on them together during our rehearsals.

A: Sounds good to me. Do you have any suggestions for the band name?

B: Hmm, not yet. But we should definitely come up with something catchy and unique.

A: Absolutely. I'm excited about this project. Let's start planning and get this band off the ground.


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